Canine Parvovirus (CPV) Canine Parvovirus is a highly contagious viral illness that affects canines. The most common form of Canine Parvovirus is the intestinal form. The most common symptoms with the intestinal form are:
Canine Parvovirus affects the bodys ability to absorb any nutirents. This virus is transmitted either by direct contact with an infected dog, or indirectly, by the fecal to mouth route. Your pet can also be exposed to the Canine Parvovirus by shoes that have come in contact with infected feces. Improper Vaccination protocol and failure to vaccinate can lead to the Canine Parvovirus. You are also likely to see the Parvovirus in Breeding Kennels and dog shelters that hold a large number of inadequately vaccinated puppies.
There are also options to purchase your vaccinations through online companies and local companies. Unfortunately we do not know how these vaccinations are handled (vaccinations need to be shipped and stored correctly in order to maintain their effectiveness). Therefore if these companies mishandle the vaccinations, the effectiveness of the vaccinations deteriorates. If you are wanting to give your pet the vaccinations on your own (Rabies is the only Vaccination that HAS to be given by a Veterinarian), then we highly suggest that you come into our Clinic and purchase the vaccinations from us.
Treatment of the Canine Parvovirus centers fully on supportive care. Once your pet has been diagnosed with Parvo, our main focus is keeping them alive long enough for their immune system to respond. You should expect your pet to be in our hospital for a number of days and they will be in "intensive care". One way the Parvovirus kills is through extreme dehydration. It is crucial to replace the fluid loss (from vomiting and diarrhea) with IV fluids. Antibiotics are given Intravenously so they are taken directly to the infection in the intestine where the bacteria are attempting to invade. Your pet will also be given a medication intravenously that will help control any nausea they may have.
We completely understand that money can be an issue, and although we by no means recommend you doing "at home treatment" it is an option that the doctor is willing to discuss with you. In our medical opinion it is a bad idea to do at home treatment compared to hospitalization and intensive care. Mortality rises substantially and diarrhea and vomiting lead to heavy viral contamination in the home.