Connersville Veterinary Clinic

808 East County Road 250S
Connersville, IN 47331



In-House Laboratory


In-House Laboratory 


We offer certain tests in our In-House Laboratory to help us get an accurate diagnosis quickly.  This allows us to get treatment started as soon as possible to make your pets feel better.  Some of the testing we offer is:


  • Urinalysis- If you notice your pet drinking more water, or having accidents in the house, our first suggestion is to bring in a Urine Specimen.  This in-house test takes us about 10-15 minutes.  Our Urinalysis Tests check for possible Diabetes or a Urinary Tract Infection in your pet.  Once the test is complete we can take proper medical steps into helping your pet feel better.
  • Fecal Exam- If you notice your pet having loose stool, or if there are worms in your pets stool then we ask that your bring in a fecal sample.  This in-house test takes us about 20-30 minutes to run.  Our Fecal Exam checks for Giardia, Coccidia, Tapeworm, Whipworm, Roundworm, and Hookworm, among other parasites.  We high suggest bringing in a sample when your pet comes in for their Annual Vaccinations as well.  Some intestinal parasites aren't able to be seen with the naked eye and your pet may not necessarily show symptoms of infection.  Having this Annual Fecal Exam gives us the opportunity to catch an intestinal parasites that may not be noticeable.
  • Heartworm Test- We have two different types of Heartworm Tests.  Our 4DX tests for Heartworm Disease, Lymes Disease, Ehrlichia Canis, and Anaplasma Platys.  Lymes, Ehrlichia Canis, and Anaplasma Platys are transmitted by Ticks.  Our RT test checks just for Heartworm.  We use this individual test on pets that have been on Heartworm and Flea and Tick Preventative before.  This test requires a small amount of blood to be pulled.  It takes us about 10-15 minutes to run.
  • Feline Leukemia / FIV Test- This test is ran specifically for Felines.  These virus' are highly contagious and spread by the saliva of an infected feline.  They are very common in Felines that are outside and more susceptible to fighting.  Although, these virus' can be spread through birth/ nursing, grooming and sharing water or food bowls as well.  We highly suggest getting this test done on your pet at their first exam if you've adopted them or if they are a stray that you've just taken into your home.  Because they are not curable, if you have a pet with either virus we suggest keeping them indoors.  This helps reduce the risk of spreading either virus to other Felines as well as reducing the risk of your infected pet obtaining any other infections or virus' that may harm them due to their compromised immune system.
  • Chem 17 and Chem 15 Blood Panel- The Chem 17 Panel does a Complete Blood Count on your Canine friend.  It checks for Electrolytes, Kidney Function, Liver Function, Red and White Blood Cell Count, among other things.  This is the same for the Chem 15 except we use the Chem 15 to test your Feline friend.  These tests are given when your pet comes in and they are very ill.
  • Chem 10 Blood Panel- This is our Pre-Anesthetic Blood Panel.  We highly suggest this panel before every surgery, especially on pets that are 7 years of age or older.
  • Ear Swab Cytology- We do this when your pet comes in with a possible ear infection.  This swab lets is know the type of infection that your pet may have whether it be more yeast or more bacteria.  The sample is collected from your pet's ears.  We the look at it under the microscope.
  • Skin Scrape- We do a Skin Scrape on your pet when they come in with skin issues.  Quite like the Ear Swab Cytology we take a sample of the skin and put it under a microscope.  We are looking for certain Fungi, Yeast, Bacteria, Mites, etc.  We do this to get the correct medication to help heal your pets skin.


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